Erick Constan D Montreuil Ornay
Provincial Coordinator of Culture
- Not so much ... so, from scratch as Adam in Genesis, you could see how a Democrat who was Uribe, pa Attorney put together a short list with two of us and himself.
- Who were the Supreme Court? - We three very honest ... But Uribe declared disabled, then an additional judge named two of us: it ... And what descogimos acclaim him as prosecutor. - At least pretend one of us should cast blank ballots. - Everything was going well until very Alvaro told us to be attentive: "Son, can not stand the international pressure supposedly because I have no objection ... There's no other: one of me you have to do ... What is measured? ~ ~ ~
- Who played? - Well, you idiot ... Not that I was, that being the owner's dream to be the bad touch me ride ... So how do you think that we integrate the Congress, also the three, he and I and thou official bank minority ... And there was a motion to censure the Minister of Agriculture, which was the same Uribe, charging him because you do not know why ... And we were being debated when I gave you go to the bathroom and I took advantage and Álvaro zuáquete! vote ... do you stick flattened. ~ ~ ~
- Ole Tola, and why was the Minister of Agriculture if it is assumed that this was become a Peladero? - For the same reason that we transport minister without roads ... I finished telling: the nightmare was made when Alvaro took me aside and told me: "Son, go back to people in Colombia ... Nah, you and I played. - Poor Álvaro ... and no way to postpone the end Atrapao disgust ... ... But before you invited to dinner? Was it romantic? ~ ~ ~
- I was dancing on one leg ... But guess what woke me up Maruja: A stone in glass zumbambico threw a fan of Santa Fe, they were protesting because they won a championship and no I was able to account for what tournament it was.
Source: ©
Wednesday, November 11, 2009Can You Run On A Treadmill Upstairs
Bolones, Murderers and Subnormal Dear friends I took a few days before taking a position on the issue of the senseless death of Miss Paola Vargas at the hands of a herd of donkeys that make subnormal hordes of terror called Barras Bravas. Tuesday, November 10, 2009Cydia Sources Pokemon Emerald
The Wall Maria Clara Ospina
El Colombiano - November 11 , 2009
Twenty years after the fall of the infamous Berlin Wall, the world, particularly Latin America, see how each day is closer to the creation of another such shameful walls that divide peoples brothers, humiliate her and will create absurd barriers that never should have existed. | I mean the virtual wall created by Chavez to close the border with Colombia. The "Wall of Chavez every day is more real and dangerous. Shockingly, the tightening of border before open, friendly and fruitful. There, where traditionally there has been trade and exchange between families and villages, without problems or conflicts, now live in total anxiety. | Step by step, Chavez has been creating a strong wall between our sister countries, which is not yet concrete, brick or stone, it is hatred, insults and threats. We know that sometimes are more severe and painful the walls created with words that set in concrete. |
back and play for the national team's disappointment Colombia. After a sweltering heat, we were again outside the World Cup party. No more room for excuses, you need a new process, serious, structured to give back to our football a good game and excellent results it once had.
Despite the failure of the plotters of UNASUR in Bariloche, Lula showing the double standards of lurking villain, says on one hand that you are concerned U.S. military in Colombia and the consequent improvement of the Colombian military potential, but at the same time, takes on French nuclear technology for military purposes and the purchase of new generation weapons valued at millions of time to put the record straight. Neither Unasur, neither the FARC nor any of his cronies have ceased in the effort of wanting to enslave Colombia. On the contrary, the terrorists and their consultants involved in archaic attitudes, bent on moving to the unfortunate experiment Latin America totalitarian Cuban dictatorship, still clinging to the idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing a Marxist-Leninist government in Colombia.
And all this farce matches UNASUR Cano letter asking the communist push for peace in Colombia, Chavez's charade in Madrid to ask to have negotiations with the FARC and opposition to American aid, etc, etc. .. .
should cause us all who suffer and we know that international terrorism can hear from a retired military officer from the Peruvian army catalog and compare the Shining Path terrorist acts with the exploits of Robin Hood ". There will be good because when you send Calato Ollanta to VRAE in the first line of combat, without hesitation or murmuring and spot check their poetic and romantic ideas.
Hasta La Vista Baby:
As my friends know I am not at all a fan of leftist governments, but this time I have to congratulate the "metrosexual" President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, having taken off the air (and almost kicking, well done!) to this monstrous thing called Laura Bozzo, thanks Mrs. Bozzo, for the good image that leaves Peruvians abroad. When I tell others that I am Peruvian, I sometimes think I'm going to ask why I still keep your teeth! . Thanks Rafo, you won a greeting.
certainly hear that this day is celebrated El Dia Del Blog, I send my greetings to every blogger in cyberspace friends who read us and we leave their mother insults as well. The last Saturday
Michael Jackson would have turned 51 years ... and many still follow him crying.
day without soles and every moment your name
me back to your face ...
Michael you left too soon and on top of the comfort does not come and it all seems little ... but I have come
0 21 Taken - / 06/en-vivo-funeral-de-michael-jackson-en-vivo-7-de-julio-de-2009 /
0 21
Jordan Chandler, has recanted: "Michael never wanted to abuse me, I lied about my father", fue acusado de pederastia. Sin embargo, después años de acusaciones, este lunes, el joven que acusó a Jackson de pederastia en 1993, Jordan Chandler, se ha retractado: "Michael nunca quiso abusar de mi, mentí por mi padre"
.Ahora, quizás remordido por la conciencia, Chandler declara: "«Michael nunca abusó de mí, lo siento Michael». Michael nunca fue acusado oficialmente ya que consiguió pactar con el abogado de la familia y por la suma de 22 millones de dólares la familia de Chandler decidió dejar el hecho correr. Sin embargo, la reputación del cantante ya estaba manchada y fueron muchos los que rumorearon a posteriori sobre las prácticas the singer in his famous ranch. The event marked