Friday, September 11, 2009
Celebrities Peach Fuzz
few days ago was held in Huacho, the first anime event organized by the Club Kisetsu Huacho, which I was fortunate to attend and I must say it is very pleasantly surprised by the large turnout. Pessimistic really do not know if I was not expecting such a call. The event started a little more than planned due to a sudden failure of the audio system, which was passed over the minutes. The emotion you could feel all present, was the first anime event! and that was very important!
I say I'm pretty new to this terminology and walked at times quite lost for some things, that for me also has been an important learning and a way to meet this sensational world which is the art of anime.
For those who grew up with the adventures of the Knights of Athena with the classic "nooo Saori" !!!... we sounded like Japanese (literally) to find animes like Reborn, Princess Princess (which let out laughter and moments) Soul Eater among others, which were overflowing talent and imagination, as we have come this great Japanese art that no doubt is already global. Confused between otaku and fans I was sitting in my seat waiting for the main course were the first two eggs of Saint Seiya Lost Canvas, anime from what I've been researching quite controversial, with voices for and against.
Unfortunately I would stay with the desire of Evangelion 2.0 as well as the obligatory pictures with the geishas (q I called it so excuse the ignorance) that graced the event
Congratulations and up next event .... and that power is revealed!

The rivalry started by a Ampay Mrs. Magaly Medina TV businessman Javier Carmona, Javicho for friendships with the "Model? "Actress? "Cheerleader? .. Well .. call it the fellow Monica Hoyos (¿?).. that? you never heard of Monica Hoyos ... do not feel bad ... is not unique.
In recent days we were visited by the most fierce rival Magali, English journalist Elizabeth Rabago, a confrontation on equal terms, head to head with the Peruvian magpie. Viewers would eat nails for such a meeting which promised to overcome clashes Hands of Stone Roberto Duran against Sugar Ray Leonard, we would see if the English person was what appeared in the distance.
Despite many and the joy of so many English surrounded by the magpie in his set, he buried the flag and even apologized to a magpie absolute dominion, dominating the situation. It seemed that after the passing of the days the thing would stay there but did not, because the show must go on.
Despite many and the joy of so many English surrounded by the magpie in his set, he buried the flag and even apologized to a magpie absolute dominion, dominating the situation. It seemed that after the passing of the days the thing would stay there but did not, because the show must go on.
From across the pond (Magaly dixit) a man with more farcical air of diva Monica Carlos Cacho and Cabrejos together (I'm a journalist!) Called Juan Luis Alonso lashed against with the cheeky magpie gives you the distance. Bets are!
this unfortunate thing is the jury spite, hatred and frustration shown by some poor devils of the Peruvian media to join a real Huachana cargamonton against the journalist, perhaps due to some personal issues or perhaps because the fight for ratings. To avoid having only one opinion I have tried to see which programs are clearly rivals in all this intrigues: Magaly Teve vs Intimate Enemies (if the eastern part of the decor!), And clearly the intention of second of the deal mentioned by almost every day in some way from Mrs. Medina, both Mr. Ortiz hates Mrs. Medina? ... Or was hurt both Magaly reminded him his rather questionable past with accusation of pedophilia involved?, Take you their findings.
As stated this ancient novel, The Rich Also Cry, is the murder of businesswoman Miriam Fefer. In the last few days has been clearing the picture in this bloody deed where two brothers are holding their hair each with its own version.
And you need to have a nut loose (or maybe two) to be jumping on one foot after the death of your mother or perhaps have millions of reasons to be? ($)
We look forward to the outcome.
Peruvians almost always longing for past glories live (Mexico 70 cute brother!) did not know we had a king, a true giant of global racism, a champion of champions. So clear is awarded by a British NGO called Survival, which appear to defend the human rights of all.

I have read thousands of times Bedoya columns, not one iota to be racist, I agree with mostly of times, Peruvian often likes to speak softly, as if asking permission, the word to mean ... perhaps it be that when someone speaks to us as if we bust a bomb in the face exasperate us, we are outraged and claim the Case apologize? Perhaps
Bedoya has no reason in many of the things said? perhaps many times we have not thought the same and we refuse to acknowledge it? it not true what he says of the conference? it not true that the churches and especially the Catholic institution is not a business like many others? (Brothers firm do!) And that's why he is accused of heresy?
few days ago I saw an interview he made the program Intimate Enemies live, where drivers would lead characters to argue with Bedoya axis topics: Communism, Religion and the Church Racism is not unusual that no Bedoya is able to refute or Dinosaur Ricardo Letts, Ni El Cholo Cirilo (can this compete intellectually with Bedoya?). Caused me much laughter Mr. Aldo Miyashiro when a program last rant against Bedoya and when I was in front of him did not say J.
One thing is for my friends to speak of the devil and another to have it in front.
this Ojala Survival and organizing the delivery of the medal and diploma in public ceremony! and we are glad to inform you.
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