'll start by thanking all the legion of "educated people" who kindly leave your mother and other insults in the subject of Michael Jackson .. .. we will continue on many issues but I am sure, which we are not daunted, we will not fear or internet lice camouflage their identity under pseudonyms or less even moths square window or screaming. However
the week ending has left two issues that at least for the time has held all the media attention, I mean the success of Volleyball Senior Select and go to the World Cup 2010 Japan and compatriot reached a creditable second place in the prestigious competition Operacion Triunfo, Brenda Mau.
I am sure that before the Pre - World Cup, nobody gave a penny for the Peruvian team, as they always pass all are general after the war, and spoke of the "lions", "the warrior" and a little more that were "Charlie's Angels" and before anyone spoke classification of them? ... so life is unjust to bring those achievements to Peru.
On the other side is the true "Operacion Triunfo" Brenda Mau, a fellow who went to Spain early in search of success in his country he was elusive, achieving participate in one of the contests deeper and tune in Spain and I'm sure many places that have access to it by cable. So Brenda Mau, the girl frank smile, almost a girl on the road has become a winner stunned everyone with quality.
course is that this has had to overcome many barriers, especially the cancer of humanity called racism, not many days ago we heard a "Count" has-been with an air of Viceroy smelling of mothballs, so offensive about against Brenda. And the reaction was almost instantaneous, since in the final gala Brenda is defeated only by 1% of the vote, I'm sure some obscure action did not allow him to win.

Good for you Brenda, now you all a wonderful way to go. Now as the girls volleyball all will say, are Peruvian! Of course now familiar with the results. The victory is of you and nobody else, which units were succeeded, in a country where they are held the mediocre, which supports and endorses the "jaggies" you won.
A victory by and for you I'm convinced that as with Kina, Brenda now awaits a reception worthy of a superstar, I hope that the same country that does not give opportunities to those who deserve to have at least hidalgia said, it was to get hits the other way because your country is not what I offer.

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