Sunday, July 11, 2010

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Ingrid, what else would you ask the body? An American

Elbacé Restrepo
This pearl quotes, so beautiful and touching, the said just ten days ago, when I" imported "to commemorate the second anniversary of Operation Jaque. Of course it does not explain the other ways to "help" to Colombia, what kind of injuries were or who the would to heal. and we were all Colombians, that we were dying, slow death, when your lawyer gave us notice of claim, what stories of reconciliation, you're going to put the Colombian government for a chichigua: fifteen billion pesos, write in letters not to drown in a sea of \u200b\u200bzeros. What else would you ask the body, my child?
We're charging up the death of your father, and it seems that the Son and the Holy Spirit, according to the figure. Ingrid No, no kidding!

I, like the millions of Colombians are offended by this deaf ears of ambition, I plead ingridnada. Sorry, I meant angry. You know how other former hostages want to copy you the idea? Why returned so? how to say without offending? "Merchants, goldsmiths, opportunists?

In your recent visit, very short indeed (I understand it, how would bother, if you knew that in a few days we would nail the dagger), also said that "the Army had the nice gesture to call all to celebrate, this is a birthday, because two years ago meant to live again, is the day of our resurrection. "
But you already had listed the collection account. And high. And made sure the bills to determine how much of your loot share with your "brothers" in captivity, if the demand to flourish. What stories of reconciliation!
Beyond that if you want your third world country or not, Ingridcita, all agree that the Colombian State has a hard time of war, and as the struggle for money corrupts, I ask: Is it better to think The hostages are cheaper if you let them die in captivity?

Another question and not bother you again: Is there any surprise there, in fine print? Does the commission for widows and orphans of soldiers who died in the fighting, when you searching for free? Are you going to collect because Raul Reyes found searching for you, your kidnapper?

cheaper We would return if the Army, then, do you have to do: release of blood and fire, without considering the consequences, right? A fewer days in captivity, less money in claims. What stories of reconciliation!

your lawyer says that "a settlement is a way to help reflect on the mechanisms of protection offered by the Colombian State to its citizens who are victims of terrorism." The perfect euphemism for a legal robbery.

If this is successful, as good paisa I have the right to bargain: you hear, ungrateful, how much is the minimum?


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