I close the chapter of this year with the following balance:
One dead and two wounded. Actually there were more deaths, but only one cried inconsolably, so that others may die again if they want. One of the wounded was a dear friend who is not recovered yet (it sometimes seems to regain consciousness and others, most, remains in that state of unconsciousness in which it is easy to get when you do not want to accept that the expert said "it was lost absolute and total ") The other wound was me, but fortunately now (and do not say no wonder) I recover, even with a certain stoicism, of wounds. However, it must be because a slight trace of masochism is in me, apparently a trait inherited from the Fourth Republic, or a gene Jewish-Christian, sometimes I get to give me salt and vinegar on the wounds. So, this afternoon it seems to Sunday, I started listening to songs and I got this I hear about 3 times today. Something good out of these things because the truth that guitar is really nice beginning and the woman who sings has a lovely voice. Well, I started to remove costritas and throw myself into my wounds that sad song that who knows what foolish "truths" told in the middle, but I, along with others who did understand, I sounded more sad that light of the city of Carora, if that can be called Carora city
Hearing her I understood why there are people who want to cut your veins, get to gospel or nebulized with creosote when the expert says "total loss" That's an option. The other is saved, pick up the pieces and start anew, replacing this "I can not live without you" by an "I can not live without me" something that does not sound "romantic" but that is the real truth. Start again. Start again.
With characteristic sarcasm and spicy, Crisanto Vargas takes stock of what made 2010.
That the person of the year was the 'Mono Jojoy', you ask the baby Jesus played a couple of floats and the Christ Child this year is 'pike'. Colombia seen by a humorist.
What was the most important year?
That Santos had chosen to look after him Eggs prosperity, a task that logically it would behoove his wife, Dona Lina, because everybody knows that Uribe has a very large eggs.
The joke of the year.
The romance between Santos Chavez, Venezuelan President Piedad Córdoba just loves.
muddy the year's worst.
The Mockus
into believing that his party was green when we all knew, since he dropped his pants, that his party is totally black.
The character of the year.
Mono Jojoy No doubt!
The best joke of the year.
Santos says that the president does not know that Chucky.
The best team of the year.
The Nule sports.
The international character of the year.
Octopus Paul, who could read everything, and as rumored murder was ordered by the owners of the Ballot.
politician of the year.
Vice Angelino Garzón, not to leave their union spirit went on strike after two days of his inauguration.
And the politician of "injury" ...
The Supreme Court, electoral and extremely harmful to the arrival of Santos.
What awaits us in 2011 in Colombia?
According to the Mayans, the day before the end of the world!
How has the winter gone?
so bad that I was asking God Child pediéndole ended a car and a pair of floats (and not necessarily those of my wife, who is up on the ballot silicone).
Who does not receive a gift?
The Mayor of Medellin because it is an arsonist, July 19, burned more than $ 3000 million in less than 20 minutes, while people are dying of hunger and violence.
Who deserves a gift by Colombians?
I, who took 30 years of career and have not been given or an interview.
funniest politician of the year.
The former candidate Sergio Fajardo, who is climbing hips broken, when he realized that Mockus began to decline.
How is life without Uribe?
As a life free Viagra: it takes a heavy hand and big heart.
what to do to laugh in this country?
Listen and read what they say and do the Founding Fathers.
A joke.
May the baby Jesus this year is hit.
The best story of his career.
was in a television program characterizing Chavez Venezuela and 10 minutes shut down the program and to arrest those involved, since that day there was a pot-banging and lasted three days under the bed of the hotel hidden embraced the magician (Gustavo) Lorgia ...
Best Colombia comedian.
Guillermo Zuluaga, Montecristo. Although an official of the Municipality of Medellin was sentenced Melguizo name after his death, saying that the comedian had been an embarrassment for countries.
best thing about being a humorist.
have the gift of making people laugh to cheer not only for steam hearts but many souls. The first duty of man is to be happy, the second to make others happy.
do you do you laugh?
allegedly Things unnoticed that only I dedicate myself to contemplate: I am able to pursue a full day to a retiree, listen to what a politician says drunk, a mean negotiating an avocado, the figures that children do with the mucus, the apology of the banks and airlines, who always win all ... my mom tells me stories and my wife when I paste.
You know that some years now I have become skeptical and somewhat sangrona this issue of Christmas, mercantilist era, roughly mercantilist, in which anything that shines and / or sells foreign ; time when it is absolutely a Greek tragedy out to eat on the street go out, because you tread on, push you, rob you and / or you look ugly. He said, comrade and fellow newspaper, I had become skeptical of Christmas with this, feeling that deepened in those days ago when the government decided to amend a rare thing, protected under the name of Law, called "Ley Resorte". That amendment, in one of his articles, related, words, words less, it was forbidden to disrespect of fact and / or any public official word on the web, otherwise go to jail and recommended badly. That made me sad, because I was asking myself, how he managed to say donkey Manuel Rosales a thief and corrupt bastard Antonio Ledezma, or how I had to tell futile and useless object Jorge Rodríguez and her pussy thief pepa Diosdado Cabello, descriptions that we call democracy had allowed me to date. But faith has saved me once again, it passed the law, certainly, but not in its entirety, and the referenced article arbitrary size was removed from it. course I'm not in favor of any law, especially because in this country have to get used to living without laws, or rather have to get used to knowing that the laws are made for the bag (translated into technical language, for on the web), in other words, las leyes están como el ex presidente Carlos Andrés Pérez: muertas en vida. No obstante, como los de la Asamblea Nacional tienen que justificar su sueldo, y para que uno, el pueblo, no vaya a pensar que ellos son como esos muñecos que salen en televisión que crecen, y lloran, les da fiebrecita y hasta se ríen si uno les canta, es decir, para que parezca que ellos son algo, pero en realidad no son, entonces la Ley fue “discutida” y aprobada con esa excepción, evidencia clara and clear that my prayers were answered when I asked him to St. Joseph and the Virgin in the stable, the ox and Melchor, grant me this grace, because what I do so complaint and keep it to myself so inside. Dear Diary: faith saved me.
A powerful machinery arrived from distant lands promised determined to regain the north lost their caravan of actors from other Lares determined to break into this arid land with a little wisdom.
promoted is the case of Latin American Meeting of Theatre "Reclaiming El Norte" (?) Organized by the Cultural and Educational Association Chiaroscuro, which promised a series of activities among which were roaming, workshops, talks, parades and theatrical performances in different spaces. Motivated by this great event we decided to send up to our potential unknowns correspondents who monitored the conduct of the activity and what we found was truly disturbing.
Serious deficiencies in the organization, failure in conducting theatrical performances, schedules are seldom met with rigor, the so-called Peruvian time actress was the star of the event, promised a more mature shows which never saw the much hyped international participation of Brazil and Venezuela should stay in the limited quality of the shows, the little drawing power, among others that ended up thinning the event.
Sincerely looked like an impromptu event, made for the picture and to justify something, because as I say is not responsible for the event did not have the support of the institutions to justify the level of meeting low-level work, "jugglers" who have not mastered the art, dance, filling, and this must be added that it has the financing of international cooperation so the event is funded, therefore not true that there are no funds to sustain it. But because they ignore the struggle of many to make that cultural activities have a cost which is the only way to feed back into future productions? Are they hippies or members of the retrograde and outmoded idea of \u200b\u200bart for art from before the 80s?
At one point we thought it was a meeting PARTICIPANTS ONLY, as the public functions was appreciated by 90% of the participants and not the target that should capture. To all this we found a tremendous lack of respect they claimed that was not considered any group of huacho because they can not make arrangements, would in any case to ask because they were not invited or because they chose not to participate.
We expected forward to the completion of the Cultural Forum for Development Management had hoped to hear the rapporteur, managed in such events has not been so bright that it believes, as I remember an event under management in which 70 people shared one bathroom without water, in poor conditions when our country is hosting
I was present at the end and I can say that beyond the condescending position CRAWLER always, I can only save the group's work Wooden Dolls, which is a work already confronted and leaving the rest a bad event taste but even when it threatened to "get the North" as if it was a barren land into makers of culture. It seems that they end up derailing the train or the left with full bags to another destination
Erick Constan D Montreuil Ornay
Director General Quidam Productions Theatre Artistic Director
When many of us start the long and complex task of not only in our cultural province but also bearing the name of huacho to different parts of Peru, we never imagined that over the years many newcomers and wolves in sheep's clothing we would take the post, it is endorsed by pseudo authorities who want to be re- selling to the people elected for a ride or would be more accurate to say wolf in sheep.
is the case of Mr. Nelson Chui Mejia, who must be tired of delivering award as create his administration to a question Mr catapulting him as the most recognized theater director of the province 'WIN BANDURRIA "(?) included, ignoring or supporting the morals of such individual is permitted to sponsor a cultural center of dubious pseudo training of the candidate company Palomino.
many times have we seen these characters support initiatives such as plays, music recitals, archaeological evidence, honestly do not remember and I have spent years on this, many more of those in their administration Sr . Chui.
We can say that these guys are paying for political favors of some kind? Who is the master director of "cultural center"? which is the level of training of teachers of "theater"? much work has done for our province to the former regional president is completely devoted to pampering and praise? how big is the political appetite for this subject serves as director of theater at the curious little house next to the IE P Heart of Jesus be proposed car maneuvers age 10 as a candidate for alderman in the list Mr. Beto Barba?
We believe that it is worthless trying to craft workers in our province, we are outraged because many who deserve it most and who already have some years over, only when are no longer with us will say "how good it was, while recognizing that individuals are nothing, and never were able to demonstrate the training that teachers do?
Where is the recognition for Mario Herrera, Zuloagas, Montesinos and many more that have given name to our country both nationally and internationally? So it is scorned and our artists?
Beware gentlemen and friends Huachana candidates if no one has said before things by their name, it's time to take the bull by the horns and do not be fooled by pseudo sheep to which the jaws are out.
respond Mr someday "stage director" for his shady dealings with which harms the Bohemian Theatre Group among others?
Jairo Aníbal Niño, the writer of children's literature, with which many fell in love and dreamed, died yesterday morning. His dismissal, rather than a farewell, it is a lot of questions and poems that are still read.
And then a little of those who can already read, or get excited about big letters, outlining a smile and understand that the sun, in fact, as he wrote Jairo Hannibal Miguela Papers , is a gigantic flea.
children's writer, that captivated more than three generations with his poems and questions, he said goodbye in the morning yesterday.
was 69 years old and for some time had a number of ailments, including respiratory problems. On Friday went to the emergency room in San Ignacio Hospital, in Bogotá, where he remained in intensive care. He died there.
The messages were all a story on the web. Sad declared many of the writer who accompanied them to grow. Malutota on Twitter, wrote: "(Jairo Aníbal Niño was my favorite writer when I was little. We're big." And DarwinGonzalezS preferred the words of the poet, "" Paula, do you know what a sheep? "Yes. The sheep ducklings is a cloud. "
Jairo Aníbal Niño was a whole world in simple, but compelling." He knew how to get to the heart, the feeling of both large and boys. There are authors that excite by the complexity of the plot, but there are others that moves you the strength of feeling that the characters are, "said Conrado Zuluaga, editor of Pan, editorial he published many of his books.
Most of his work is children's literature, with more than 40 books he wrote in 33 years devoted to it. Zoro, The joy of love and I would ask are three of the favorites. Over the last two was nominated Hans Christian Andersen Award, considered the Nobel literature for children. Many of his works have been translated into over 20 languages.
"did not live in this world. He lived for dreaming children, "said Culture Minister Mariana Garces.
However, the writer, who was born in Moniquirá, Boyacá, also excelled in other areas as theater art, with works like The coup, Mount bald or The Tinker's Wedding. To say that as a painter, puppeteer, playwright and actor.
With Jairo Aníbal Niño fell in love, fall in love and fall in love many. His works do not have time or space, and melt when they read.
wrote in ask, "No? Do not be sad girl. He who is far, has come once again into the hands of the wind that caresses you.
When a degenerate reason prevails in the minds disturbed some subjects the severity is necessary to apply the laws and the constitutionality permit. I wanted to begin this discussion and it really cooks so buried in the national universities of our country due to a conversation that left me very surprised in recent days
It is no secret that lately, thanks to controversial legislation has been attending a parade of pseudo-liberation and social activists are calling these social ills Path and MRTA.
to all this maybe someone has noticed the change in strategy that subversive groups have in recent years?, Perhaps someone has not heard lately young people attracted by this unhealthy ideology? . For many years in the 80's when many of us were trying to inoculate children in the theater and cultural movement of the decade, prompting the separation happily theater movement in 2 fronts. Have we not witnessed how terrorism recruited artists such as Maritza Garrido Lecca? Unfortunately, some persist even recycled to give the blow against the rule of law.
is that the strategy of these radicals was embedded in the cultural movement they have always been very helpful in their early and apparently want to apply the same sequence now. Talking to a dear friend of only 18 student the UNSFSC and noticed with regret and concern as ultras communist movements fixer blood of these ideologies are gaining new adherents, which should be a clarion warning to society as a whole.
That really taught in the national universities of our country?. Because they should be centers of learning and teaching have become political training centers more colors than the rainbow? .
dinosaurs Is there not teach at home or frozen in our public universities to use as platforms for seducing young inexperienced with feverish ideas. What is the price society must pay to send their children to study in universities in the country like San Marcos?
It is thus necessary and submit a detailed analysis and to restructure the entire educational apparatus of our country and stop with energy and determination to those who want to submit again to the dance of terror and blood, the whole company knows well.
And ask for sanctions for those left to carry on the seduction of power have caused this situation very dangerous for reaching limits throughout Peru.
That happens when governing under the influence alcohol ... right Mr. Toledo?
Erick Constan D Montreuil Ornay
(2.do article for the Journal Midpoint - Huacho, Peru)
This pearl quotes, so beautiful and touching, the said just ten days ago, when I" imported "to commemorate the second anniversary of Operation Jaque. Of course it does not explain the other ways to "help" to Colombia, what kind of injuries were or who the would to heal. and we were all Colombians, that we were dying, slow death, when your lawyer gave us notice of claim, what stories of reconciliation, you're going to put the Colombian government for a chichigua: fifteen billion pesos, write in letters not to drown in a sea of \u200b\u200bzeros. What else would you ask the body, my child?
We're charging up the death of your father, and it seems that the Son and the Holy Spirit, according to the figure. Ingrid No, no kidding!
I, like the millions of Colombians are offended by this deaf ears of ambition, I plead ingridnada. Sorry, I meant angry. You know how other former hostages want to copy you the idea? Why returned so? how to say without offending? "Merchants, goldsmiths, opportunists?
In your recent visit, very short indeed (I understand it, how would bother, if you knew that in a few days we would nail the dagger), also said that "the Army had the nice gesture to call all to celebrate, this is a birthday, because two years ago meant to live again, is the day of our resurrection. "
But you already had listed the collection account. And high. And made sure the bills to determine how much of your loot share with your "brothers" in captivity, if the demand to flourish. What stories of reconciliation!
Beyond that if you want your third world country or not, Ingridcita, all agree that the Colombian State has a hard time of war, and as the struggle for money corrupts, I ask: Is it better to think The hostages are cheaper if you let them die in captivity?
Another question and not bother you again: Is there any surprise there, in fine print? Does the commission for widows and orphans of soldiers who died in the fighting, when you searching for free? Are you going to collect because Raul Reyes found searching for you, your kidnapper?
cheaper We would return if the Army, then, do you have to do: release of blood and fire, without considering the consequences, right? A fewer days in captivity, less money in claims. What stories of reconciliation!
your lawyer says that "a settlement is a way to help reflect on the mechanisms of protection offered by the Colombian State to its citizens who are victims of terrorism." The perfect euphemism for a legal robbery.
If this is successful, as good paisa I have the right to bargain: you hear, ungrateful, how much is the minimum?
Google resigned and set up a cultural magazine in Medellin Colombia
Weather - June 13, 2010
Photo: Daniel Bustamante / TIME - In the next issue of the journal The Arepa, there will be a text on women singing hip hop Medellín.
Robin Finley is currently the director of 'The Arepa', which is written entirely in English.
"You're crazy!" Robin Finley told him when he told his friends that he would leave his job in the advertising area of \u200b\u200bGoogle powerful and world-renowned in San Francisco (United States).
was January 2008 and by then the people close to Robin had no idea that he, who had studied political science at the prestigious University of Berkley, expiring one year after mounting a cultural magazine in Medellín.
"I had my apartment, my girlfriend lived in San Francisco is a spectacular city. But the style, the pace of life was very boring, predictable, monotonous. (...) And also desde siempre, yo tenía la idea de vivir en otro país", cuenta.
Tras renunciar a su trabajo Robin viajó a hasta Guatemala para aprender español. Allí estuvo cuatro meses, trabajó en una revista en inglés para turistas y fue DJ en dos discotecas. Cuando se aburrió de Centroamérica, porque "la cultura es muy cerrada" un amigo le habló de Colombia.
Robin salió de Guatemala y llegó a Panamá en moto. Y de ahí hasta Cartagena en barco, para iniciar un viajé por Colombia, que lo llevó a conocer Sincelejo, Montería, Armenia, Bogotá y Medellín.
"Cuando returned to the States, intending to follow a graduate student, I felt bad. In Guatemala he wrote for a magazine, taking pictures (...) I realized I had a lot to offer and things were more interesting than United States, "says Robin.
'The Arepa' magazine
"I returned to Colombia and I realized I did not want to teach English, rather he wanted to make a magazine in English (as in Guatemala), because many people who want to learn the language and visitors who do not speak English, "he says.
The U.S. settled then in the "city of eternal spring." The chosen for its "cultural diversity" and felt that this could work I had in mind. Thus was born, in the first half of last year, the magazine The Arepa.
new music trends, people, places and texts with words trying to take a picture of culture in Medellín, the details that give color to the city, is what can be known in the pages of the independent magazine created by Robin, which currently employs three people.
"I always had this passion, he says, so I was bored out of my work, is I like to surround myself with artists, musicians, creative people. I like writing, painting. The whole experience of my life got to this point and now I have my dream job. "
The magazine costs 2,000 pesos, Robin originally ran all costs but over the months some have pautantes been joining the project.
Currently, the publication is available at hotels, museums, venues of Colombo and a few American universities.
For Robin is a shame that tourists, some hotels, they still sell the idea of \u200b\u200bthe tour to know the story of Paul Escobar, Medellin or rumbas and women are just beautiful.
"Obviously there are pretty girls, but if you come for Medellin just to know these stories are missing the opportunity to visit a city that has everything: theater, concerts and lots of talent (...) when culture is not promoted Tourism is superficial, "he concludes.
is called list of "countries civets" Tribute to Envigadopor
is a new middle class will have access to the entire global financial portfolio. In the list are Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa. Share a period of economic growth.
El Colombiano - May 24, 2010
"In three years, the economic power of emerging markets will surpass the developed world, as measured by parity purchasing power and this will lead to a new middle class will have access to the entire global financial portfolio. "
Precisamente, estos países, según explica Geoghegan no son los llamados 'Bric' (Brazil, Russia, India and China), but nations that make their way onto the world stage thanks to its high growth rates, large populations and their voracious appetite for consumption of new brands.
According Geoghegan, are a class of countries sharing a stage of economic growth, changing patterns of wealth, changing trade routes and share a financial map: the 'Civet'. The term comes from an animal like the tiger that is found in many of these countries.
Besides Colombia, listed Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa. These economies have a young and growing population, have diversified and dynamic economies, are both politically stable and expansive future, according to HSBC Direct high.
Why Colombia?
the country, analysts and the Bank of the Republic in 2011 would grow at a rate exceeding 3 percent expected this year, while inflation would be below 2 percent.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Colombia recorded a tentative 0.4 percent expansion in 2009, down from 2.5 percent in 2008. The Bank of the Republic based his prediction on the confidence of consumers and producers, idle capacity and an expansionary monetary policy, low interest rates.
Recently, the Central Bank cut by 50 basis points, its main benchmark interest rate. Indeed, these strengths could lead the country to expand in various markets, including handle similar to the various powers.
China, for example, has become the second largest luxury goods market in the world, consuming 25 percent of items such as handbags Louis Vuitton and Rolls Royce. Emerging markets will change the way they do business.
Geoghegan asks: who needs fixed telephone lines in China, where more than three-quarters of a billion mobile subscribers are also present.
And Africa is the world leader in mobile phone transfers of money.
Nobel Prize economist, Joseph Stiglitz, once asked this question: "Asia has become the source of funding, the source of savings. Why not take this opportunity to create better functioning financial markets for the people of Asia?
Other nations in the "middle class"
Some countries, like Colombia, were included in the list of 'civet', they also share gains in recent years . Turkey, for example, has a strong private sector and increasing although the state still plays an important role in industry, banking, transport and communications. In recent years, the Turkish economy has expanded strongly, placing the growth rates of 8.9 percent and 7.4 percent.
South Africa has in the next World financial catapult (photo). Foreigners inject 13,000 million rand, about 1,770 million dollars, the South African economy, contributing to its growth. The government expects 373,000 visitors
and Egypt, although housing development has traditionally focused on upper-class home and building luxury homes and foreign investment in this sector has suffered a decline of 75 percent from 2005-2006, there are good prospects for the future.
Julio Aparicio wrote this song in 2004 in Bogotá. It's a nice melody full of memories. The video features old photos of Envigado that add an indescribable nostalgia ... I personally drew tears from deep inside the heart. Thanks Julio for such a beautiful composition!
No more narco-novels, narco-narco-series and movies, no more drug- viewers.
By: One viewer
This criticism was addressed to the Ombudsmen for viewers of RCN and Caracol, and the communications ministry and the national television commission.
"the Lady of the Assassins", "the seller of roses," "Maria Full of Grace" "Sin Tetas no Paradise," "The toadies," "The protected," "The widow of the mafia", "Gangs, War and Peace," the boss "," The Dolls of the mafia "among other junk, served as firming and stimulating for the rest of the world to Colombia is seen as a nest of rats, and therefore that Colombians living abroad are discriminated against, marginalized, abused, morally and physically assaulted, looked as people who are a danger to those around them, for alleged "tricks", bad habits and rare business that apparently carries all Colombians. These productions above have been made under the guise of "showing our reality." That's not the reason that motivates them, all they want is to line his pockets at the expense of deteriorating the dignity and reputation of our country, because they know the curiosity of foreigners and many Colombians see all those fictional situations based on a negative situation in the country, which distracts them and fills them with excitement. Sell \u200b\u200ba disguised stories with lies that are "shot" for advertising of Colombia to the international arena.
Because of the reaction of the singer Fonseca, Don Omar's song that relates to Colombia with coca in an internet forum said: "Colombian hypocritical to complain, if you that's what they show on their TV, which Colombia is the birthplace of drugs." And so every time a Colombian enters a chat room or forum on the net, is accused, insulted, treat rat, narco, a murderer for hire. That's what Caracol and RCN promoted through the screen. So where the Colombian comes to other countries. U.S. journalist "Pirry" before giving an award at a major event, the announcer before mentioning the word "Colombia" moved several times the nose, as if he had done cocaine. These are things that hurt, who are angry, but you can do, if that is what is shown on television for the world.
Thanks snail television rcn thanks for making it possible repudiation of the rest of the world to us. It looks like he can not invent anything else? Or simply because they fear they do not catch the national and international audience they want? It seems incredible, Colombia has a bad image because of drug trafficking, violence and corruption of state officials, and yet the Colombian television and film together to worsen even more why not create better productions that will help offset our bad reputation that displayed all the virtues, qualities, and positive things that our country and that we have? We're tired of all the national TV and film made here is always the same: drug trafficking, mafia, traquetos, prostitutes, assassins, thugs, mules, Jivaro, drugs, thieves, etc.
you behind the cheap and trite excuse to show the reality of Colombia, are enriched because of the misfortune and misery of the country, because the plots of their audiovisual products that are always based on reality but which one of the country ? Perhaps that is the only reality of our country?, Let's all a bit to change this, you export of those novels, and these series to other countries do not help, they are bringing him bad publicity of our land and our people to the world.
not come now to the argument that parents are responsible for what they see or not see their children because you are well aware that Colombia has a high social degradation where many parents do not ensure good welfare and education of their children. You are aware of these, because they have a daily newscast that it reconfirms. So in light of the void formation by households, you as a mass medium of television should provide a grain of sand, so that children and young people at least learn something good. The most cynical of all is the time they give these "crap" in family time when everyone is watching television. Ah but this is intentional, obviously to catch a wider audience.
To you I give a damn if children and young people learn all the filth and the atrocities that you teach, RCN and Caracol, the only thing that matters is the "rating" is get ahead of the competition. It's a wild, unbridled competition, and as the saying goes "in war as in love, anything goes" here it is worth inventing all sorts of situations and plots, full of anti-values, where no matter the content, everything is to catch most interviewed, and if possible the whole. You are fucking the minds of young children, and of those people and adults who lack the personality and approach, which are contributing immeasurably to the degradation of society.
These series are the bad cops, and criminals are good. Besides the above, are also dumping the image of the institutions of the state, while some are corrupt, that's no reason for now to get rich on the basis of this situation so negative. Listen to a child tell his father that it was unfair that the police captured the "boss" of the canal rcn. How nice not? A small child in his innocence, worried about a gangster novel, a child who is starting to hate those cops because they want to stop the villain of the plot "the boss." Look, look to this example all you are creating in the children.
Youths commented as they would like to be drug traffickers, to be rattling, because they would rather live a short life, which killed at any time, but surrounded by money, luxuries and comforts, to live 90 years earning the minimum wage . Realize the perception of life they are creating in the young, who unfortunately do not have guidance in your life, who have no parents or relatives to teach them to live as it should be, or that while they do, these people do not guarantee well-trained as people.
few girls probably do not want to be dolls of the mafia, to take all what they want without them having to work, but this conclusion is given by poverty and economic and spiritual poverty in which they live, and not having choices in education or employment alternatives would risk entering the dark world the mafia and organized crime.
Through these "garbage" programs are showing the youth and children, ways of life, but are risky and dangerous, are synonymous with millions of dollars.
do great harm they do to Colombia two private channels and the cinema. Further soiled the image of Colombians to the world, contributing the enormous social degradation and trampling of state institutions. Are enriched because of misfortune, misfortune and misery of the country.
Keep, keep fucking ourselves and jodiendose you, because after all they are also Colombians continue to sell this bad image, continue harming innocent minds, continue to influence the ignorant and weak, keep throwing the TV as such, because since aired two channels, the Colombian TV is useless. The daily schedule is a novel after
. Not a children's program, as did "channel one" and "channel" where las tardes tenían franjas infantiles de lunes a viernes, que podían compartir los niños y los adultos, y las novelas eran en la noche. Con gran descaro van por el mundo llevando sus películas, y sus series y novelas nutridas de la mala suerte del país más rico de América, pero no rico económicamente, sino por todo lo que contiene. De qué sirve que haya tantos artistas triunfando en el mundo, deportistas colombianos exitosos en otras naciones, de que sirve que Colombia exporte tantas cosas excelentes y tantas personalidades sinónimo de éxitos, si ustedes empañan todo eso con sus programas.
Lo que más rabia produce es que ni el ministerio de comunicaciones, ni la comisión involved national television, nor spoken about in Colombia everybody does what he wants. Here these two monsters of the tv channels in Colombia does not have anyone to monitor or control. They do what they want, taking the average of society and the good name of our country, unfortunately that is why we are so bad as we are.
Juan Felipe Quintero A. and the wines that best will Tremendo marriage!
enough to put the mother on Saturday lunch with the family to cook with dual menu, no more, to prepare the bandeja paisa for all, rather than the plate for taking wine each week bottle comes with the meeting.
We have said that pairing, relate, make an alliance, to achieve harmony with the food, which represents one of the values \u200b\u200bof wine, without being exact science has rules, which ensures that cup and saucer not overshadow that eg lemon and thyme chicken with Chardonnay is rich, that nothing better than a pink sushi to roast or what needs to be drawn is Malbec or Cabernet Sauvignon.
But some have dared to build our married between dishes and the wine is not only possible but can be delicious.
"For there is no pairing complex preparation to serve or go to a high-profile restaurant. You can with Colombian cuisine, with hamburger, so we eat every day," adds the Argentine winemaker Mario Puchulu.
words, without complexes, the bandeja paisa is a dish of lower category, is as regional as regional in France or Argentina, where they came as the natural companion.
"This marriage is not easy, but if it is well done, it's delicious," says Victor Orozco professional sommelier. "Moreover, the stock of ground beans will add half an ounce of red wine and profit taking in the taste of a bland preparation is half is fantastic," he said.
Alberto Angel another sommelier, an expert in assembling plates and cups, agreed that the wine was made to accompany the meal and the challenge is to define what goes with what, including the bandeja paisa, "As is so complex, because it has meat, vegetables , eggs and grains, including porridge, may be related to different wines. It all depends on individual taste. "
So I say a Malbec rosé is appropriate.
with Angel I did the typical X-ray paisa, one Hatoviejo delicious, ingredient by ingredient and you find the wine of harmony. I do not know if the results will change your perspective on table, but at least in your mouth will water.
Dear Friends , this day I almost got out of bed in fright, with a story that in the last minutes is running like wildfire. Yesterday, a so-called "series" called The Fund are Site, diffused images and extremely derogatory and insulting comments to this land that I host as if they were of Jim Carrey and Meryl Streep or as if "Betito" flight out of Woody Allen and let alone if we mention to Chaplin.
who has thought this cretin for abusing this way to a city like ours that carries on its shoulders the legacy of history and whose lands lie as martyrs and heroes Irene Salvador?. A few minutes of local news travez this pseudo producers expressed their apologies to the city of Huacho, because according implied, have misinterpreted the pictures and comments.
obiamente this guy treats us as if we were mental retardation, in addition to this, with such an air of disgraced Viceroy tells us that they could well go to record elsewhere. Listen, I mean that now we should feel happy that the great man stretched his hand to enlighten Huacho with some of his wisdom. No joke, seriously believe this guy that's enough? A "sorry" and forget that they treat us as a city of thieves, where there are rats and cockroaches as well as if we were the furthest corners of the planet?
From this humble blog we require a finding of municipal and regional authorities on this subject, as well as propose the organization among all cultural workers, youth, social, etc. a march of atonement for our city. We demand a statement theater group to get closer Huachana the celebration of World Theatre Day, and that this issue is considered in the annual show and equally juvenile institutions as the Provincial Secretariat of Youth, Red Alzen Adejus including their voice of protest and not allow any individual comes to mock our land.
In a country like ours where we are accustomed to talk evil softly, almost under the table, it is tremendously rewarding when there are big words, irreverent and provocative, something like madness itself embody in a tremendous and boring world of sane. Caustic prose and poetry that corrodes our souls.
One of those dark and gritty voice is a great writer of whom I have the great honor of being a friend, this sort of Dark Lady of Letters huancaina Patricia Tauma.
Here reproduce the recent interview I did the regional edition of the Daily Mail Huancayo, but first wish you greater success in his already prolific career. Long Live the Dark Lady!
sex Writing for me is to express what you feel "
March 13 2010
J. Norman
writer Patricia Tauma, is undoubtedly a woman to take up arms, with their presence broke into the literary circles of Junin which seems to have been more matter for the men. Teacher by profession, is also the first president of the Literary Movement Dosamarus
How did you get involved in the literature of Junín?
I always liked literature, is why you have started to look for places where they were art that caught my eye since childhood. The first approach I had was when I joined the group More Kil Kan, who had talks, recitals, among other activities. And then I met Dosamarus of now I am president.
think that our literature is being taken over by men?
I took it as a challenge, and well I was a little embarrassed that there were many girls in the literary world I did not care and instead it was an encouragement, learn more investigating, and no I complain that women are, however the reason.
shyness is why are not listening?
could say yes. Write but do not show it because they are afraid what people might say, write for themselves, at least I have found that there are few who dare to express their emotions, that may be of our own culture.
also wrote on the erotic theme?
is one of the topics I write, I too would like to write about death, about the dark side of the soul. It is a kind of catharsis for me, and write the sex for me is to express what you feel not in the morbid side, but on the poetic side, subliminal. That feeling of body and soul.
Taken Huancayo Mail: http://www.correoperu.com.pe/correo/nota.php?txtEdi_id=8&txtSecci_parent=0&txtSecci_id=21&txtNota_id=305454
A new novel on television, "Rosario Tijeras" gives us another sip of mafia culture and vulgar vocabulary, using Medellín as the natural setting to do so. Another dose of foolishness and disrespect with most good people of this city and country, which has undergone rigorous drug violence. Again, the above rating values.
Now Rosario Tijeras. In a new "show of wit, talent and resources," television gives us another sip of folly, vulgarity, bad slang and a high dose of drug culture. The small screen is again back to the country's reality and ignores the many efforts made to shake Medellín times ominous and violent, drug product and its painful manifestations.
has not come from the air narconovela Mafia dolls and there are still those who commented sarcastically Series The Capo, when re-imposed rating on the feeling of rejection that most viewers and viewers not been expressed in relation to continue recreating without context and apologetic manner, a mafia culture and negative values, through television and primetime A.
Rosario Tijeras, will match the title of the new series, put back to Medellin in the worst of all worlds, which is equivalent to putting a whole country and most of its people decent allies, by act or omission, the most evil thing that has happened and we still happening, not amnesia, as the apologists for such programs, but to promote the culture of easy money, fame, the power of the illicit and the value of the material, above all else.
This new catharsis, as they call the promoters and defenders of a television in the service of cash registers and not the ethical and moral values \u200b\u200bshould be the last we would be willing to experiment, if once and for all people of good will, which is the majority, decides to break that stigma and "end the issue" of such programs, not to open discussion and comprehensive unedited rigged, the problems that afflict our society, including drug trafficking, of course.
water has returned to make social responsibility media has already called into question the public interest that applies to television in Colombia.
Is now the National Television Commission to act and enforce the minimum on self-scenes and vulgar vocabularies that dominate Rosario Tijeras? Will the Mayor of Medellin, aware of social dynamics that live in the neighborhoods hardest hit by violence, also acts in the company of decent people feel their voice of protest against the Cntv and the channel itself?
hope so. As we want to further that each of the viewers and advertisers, in a healthy conscience, the decision of whether he is still committed to this drug or anti-culture, by contrast, "change the channel" and looking out of the screen There are so many unsung heroes and make America great.