Tuesday, April 13, 2010

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No more narco-novels, narco-narco-series and movies, no more drug- viewers.

By: One viewer

This criticism was addressed to the Ombudsmen for viewers of RCN and Caracol, and the communications ministry and the national television commission.

"the Lady of the Assassins", "the seller of roses," "Maria Full of Grace" "Sin Tetas no Paradise," "The toadies," "The protected," "The widow of the mafia", "Gangs, War and Peace," the boss "," The Dolls of the mafia "among other junk, served as firming and stimulating for the rest of the world to Colombia is seen as a nest of rats, and therefore that Colombians living abroad are discriminated against, marginalized, abused, morally and physically assaulted, looked as people who are a danger to those around them, for alleged "tricks", bad habits and rare business that apparently carries all Colombians. These productions above have been made under the guise of "showing our reality." That's not the reason that motivates them, all they want is to line his pockets at the expense of deteriorating the dignity and reputation of our country, because they know the curiosity of foreigners and many Colombians see all those fictional situations based on a negative situation in the country, which distracts them and fills them with excitement. Sell \u200b\u200ba disguised stories with lies that are "shot" for advertising of Colombia to the international arena.
Because of the reaction of the singer Fonseca, Don Omar's song that relates to Colombia with coca in an internet forum said: "Colombian hypocritical to complain, if you that's what they show on their TV, which Colombia is the birthplace of drugs." And so every time a Colombian enters a chat room or forum on the net, is accused, insulted, treat rat, narco, a murderer for hire. That's what Caracol and RCN promoted through the screen. So where the Colombian comes to other countries. U.S. journalist "Pirry" before giving an award at a major event, the announcer before mentioning the word "Colombia" moved several times the nose, as if he had done cocaine. These are things that hurt, who are angry, but you can do, if that is what is shown on television for the world.
Thanks snail television rcn thanks for making it possible repudiation of the rest of the world to us. It looks like he can not invent anything else? Or simply because they fear they do not catch the national and international audience they want? It seems incredible, Colombia has a bad image because of drug trafficking, violence and corruption of state officials, and yet the Colombian television and film together to worsen even more why not create better productions that will help offset our bad reputation that displayed all the virtues, qualities, and positive things that our country and that we have? We're tired of all the national TV and film made here is always the same: drug trafficking, mafia, traquetos, prostitutes, assassins, thugs, mules, Jivaro, drugs, thieves, etc.

you behind the cheap and trite excuse to show the reality of Colombia, are enriched because of the misfortune and misery of the country, because the plots of their audiovisual products that are always based on reality but which one of the country ? Perhaps that is the only reality of our country?, Let's all a bit to change this, you export of those novels, and these series to other countries do not help, they are bringing him bad publicity of our land and our people to the world.

not come now to the argument that parents are responsible for what they see or not see their children because you are well aware that Colombia has a high social degradation where many parents do not ensure good welfare and education of their children. You are aware of these, because they have a daily newscast that it reconfirms. So in light of the void formation by households, you as a mass medium of television should provide a grain of sand, so that children and young people at least learn something good. The most cynical of all is the time they give these "crap" in family time when everyone is watching television. Ah but this is intentional, obviously to catch a wider audience.

To you I give a damn if children and young people learn all the filth and the atrocities that you teach, RCN and Caracol, the only thing that matters is the "rating" is get ahead of the competition. It's a wild, unbridled competition, and as the saying goes "in war as in love, anything goes" here it is worth inventing all sorts of situations and plots, full of anti-values, where no matter the content, everything is to catch most interviewed, and if possible the whole. You are fucking the minds of young children, and of those people and adults who lack the personality and approach, which are contributing immeasurably to the degradation of society.

These series are the bad cops, and criminals are good. Besides the above, are also dumping the image of the institutions of the state, while some are corrupt, that's no reason for now to get rich on the basis of this situation so negative. Listen to a child tell his father that it was unfair that the police captured the "boss" of the canal rcn. How nice not? A small child in his innocence, worried about a gangster novel, a child who is starting to hate those cops because they want to stop the villain of the plot "the boss." Look, look to this example all you are creating in the children.

Youths commented as they would like to be drug traffickers, to be rattling, because they would rather live a short life, which killed at any time, but surrounded by money, luxuries and comforts, to live 90 years earning the minimum wage . Realize the perception of life they are creating in the young, who unfortunately do not have guidance in your life, who have no parents or relatives to teach them to live as it should be, or that while they do, these people do not guarantee well-trained as people.

few girls probably do not want to be dolls of the mafia, to take all what they want without them having to work, but this conclusion is given by poverty and economic and spiritual poverty in which they live, and not having choices in education or employment alternatives would risk entering the dark world the mafia and organized crime.

Through these "garbage" programs are showing the youth and children, ways of life, but are risky and dangerous, are synonymous with millions of dollars.

do great harm they do to Colombia two private channels and the cinema. Further soiled the image of Colombians to the world, contributing the enormous social degradation and trampling of state institutions. Are enriched because of misfortune, misfortune and misery of the country.

Keep, keep fucking ourselves and jodiendose you, because after all they are also Colombians continue to sell this bad image, continue harming innocent minds, continue to influence the ignorant and weak, keep throwing the TV as such, because since aired two channels, the Colombian TV is useless. The daily schedule is a novel after
. Not a children's program, as did "channel one" and "channel" where las tardes tenían franjas infantiles de lunes a viernes, que podían compartir los niños y los adultos, y las novelas eran en la noche. Con gran descaro van por el mundo llevando sus películas, y sus series y novelas nutridas de la mala suerte del país más rico de América, pero no rico económicamente, sino por todo lo que contiene. De qué sirve que haya tantos artistas triunfando en el mundo, deportistas colombianos exitosos en otras naciones, de que sirve que Colombia exporte tantas cosas excelentes y tantas personalidades sinónimo de éxitos, si ustedes empañan todo eso con sus programas.

Lo que más rabia produce es que ni el ministerio de comunicaciones, ni la comisión involved national television, nor spoken about in Colombia everybody does what he wants. Here these two monsters of the tv channels in Colombia does not have anyone to monitor or control. They do what they want, taking the average of society and the good name of our country, unfortunately that is why we are so bad as we are.


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