Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lump At Top Of Dogs Tail

Miracles: I

Dear Diary
You know that some years now I have become skeptical and somewhat sangrona this issue of Christmas, mercantilist era, roughly mercantilist, in which anything that shines and / or sells foreign ; time when it is absolutely a Greek tragedy out to eat on the street go out, because you tread on, push you, rob you and / or you look ugly. He said, comrade and fellow newspaper, I had become skeptical of Christmas with this, feeling that deepened in those days ago when the government decided to amend a rare thing, protected under the name of Law, called "Ley Resorte". That amendment, in one of his articles, related, words, words less, it was forbidden to disrespect of fact and / or any public official word on the web, otherwise go to jail and recommended badly. That made me sad, because I was asking myself, how he managed to say donkey Manuel Rosales a thief and corrupt bastard Antonio Ledezma, or how I had to tell futile and useless object Jorge Rodríguez and her pussy thief pepa Diosdado Cabello, descriptions that we call democracy had allowed me to date. But faith has saved me once again, it passed the law, certainly, but not in its entirety, and the referenced article arbitrary size was removed from it. course I'm not in favor of any law, especially because in this country have to get used to living without laws, or rather have to get used to knowing that the laws are made for the bag (translated into technical language, for on the web), in other words,   las leyes están como el ex presidente Carlos Andrés Pérez: muertas en vida. No obstante,   como los de la Asamblea Nacional tienen que justificar su sueldo, y para que   uno, el pueblo,   no vaya a pensar que   ellos son como esos   muñecos que salen en televisión que crecen, y lloran, les da fiebrecita y   hasta se ríen si uno les canta, es decir, para que parezca que ellos son algo, pero en realidad no son, entonces la Ley fue “discutida” y aprobada con esa excepción, evidencia clara and clear that my prayers were answered when I asked him to St. Joseph and the Virgin in the stable, the ox and Melchor, grant me this grace, because what I do so complaint and keep it to myself so inside. Dear Diary: faith saved me.


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