Friday, December 31, 2010

Fancy Car In Calgary For Wedding

Dear diary,
I close the chapter of this year with the following balance:
One dead and two wounded. Actually there were more deaths, but only one cried inconsolably, so that others may die again if they want. One of the wounded was a dear friend who is not recovered yet (it sometimes seems to regain consciousness and others, most, remains in that state of unconsciousness in which it is easy to get when you do not want to accept that the expert said "it was lost absolute and total ") The other wound was me, but fortunately now (and do not say no wonder) I recover, even with a certain stoicism, of wounds. However, it must be because a slight trace of masochism is in me, apparently a trait inherited from the Fourth Republic, or a gene Jewish-Christian, sometimes I get to give me salt and vinegar on the wounds. So, this afternoon it seems to Sunday, I started listening to songs and I got this I hear about 3 times today. Something good out of these things because the truth that guitar is really nice beginning and the woman who sings has a lovely voice. Well, I started to remove costritas and throw myself into my wounds that sad song that who knows what foolish "truths" told in the middle, but I, along with others who did understand, I sounded more sad that light of the city of Carora, if that can be called Carora city
Hearing her I understood why there are people who want to cut your veins, get to gospel or nebulized with creosote when the expert says "total loss" That's an option. The other is saved, pick up the pieces and start anew, replacing this "I can not live without you" by an "I can not live without me" something that does not sound "romantic" but that is the real truth. Start again. Start again.
This is my miracle # 2.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Quotes On Needing God

year as Vargasvil By: El Espectador

With characteristic sarcasm and spicy, Crisanto Vargas takes stock of what made 2010.

That the person of the year was the 'Mono Jojoy', you ask the baby Jesus played a couple of floats and the Christ Child this year is 'pike'. Colombia seen by a humorist.

What was the most important year?

That Santos had chosen to look after him Eggs prosperity, a task that logically it would behoove his wife, Dona Lina, because everybody knows that Uribe has a very large eggs.

The joke of the year.

The romance between Santos Chavez, Venezuelan President Piedad Córdoba just loves.

muddy the year's worst.

The Mockus
into believing that his party was green when we all knew, since he dropped his pants, that his party is totally black.

The character of the year.

Mono Jojoy No doubt!

The best joke of the year.

Santos says that the president does not know that Chucky.

The best team of the year.

The Nule sports.

The international character of the year.

Octopus Paul, who could read everything, and as rumored murder was ordered by the owners of the Ballot.

politician of the year.

Vice Angelino Garzón, not to leave their union spirit went on strike after two days of his inauguration.

And the politician of "injury" ...

The Supreme Court, electoral and extremely harmful to the arrival of Santos.

What awaits us in 2011 in Colombia?

According to the Mayans, the day before the end of the world!

How has the winter gone?

so bad that I was asking God Child pediéndole ended a car and a pair of floats (and not necessarily those of my wife, who is up on the ballot silicone).

Who does not receive a gift?

The Mayor of Medellin because it is an arsonist, July 19, burned more than $ 3000 million in less than 20 minutes, while people are dying of hunger and violence.

Who deserves a gift by Colombians?

I, who took 30 years of career and have not been given or an interview.

funniest politician of the year.

The former candidate Sergio Fajardo, who is climbing hips broken, when he realized that Mockus began to decline.

How is life without Uribe?

As a life free Viagra: it takes a heavy hand and big heart.

what to do to laugh in this country?

Listen and read what they say and do the Founding Fathers.

A joke.

May the baby Jesus this year is hit.

The best story of his career.

was in a television program characterizing Chavez Venezuela and 10 minutes shut down the program and to arrest those involved, since that day there was a pot-banging and lasted three days under the bed of the hotel hidden embraced the magician (Gustavo) Lorgia ...

Best Colombia comedian.

Guillermo Zuluaga, Montecristo. Although an official of the Municipality of Medellin was sentenced Melguizo name after his death, saying that the comedian had been an embarrassment for countries.

best thing about being a humorist.

have the gift of making people laugh to cheer not only for steam hearts but many souls. The first duty of man is to be happy, the second to make others happy.

do you do you laugh?

allegedly Things unnoticed that only I dedicate myself to contemplate: I am able to pursue a full day to a retiree, listen to what a politician says drunk, a mean negotiating an avocado, the figures that children do with the mucus, the apology of the banks and airlines, who always win all ... my mom tells me stories and my wife when I paste.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Codice 43 Webcam Interna


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lump At Top Of Dogs Tail

Miracles: I

Dear Diary
You know that some years now I have become skeptical and somewhat sangrona this issue of Christmas, mercantilist era, roughly mercantilist, in which anything that shines and / or sells foreign ; time when it is absolutely a Greek tragedy out to eat on the street go out, because you tread on, push you, rob you and / or you look ugly. He said, comrade and fellow newspaper, I had become skeptical of Christmas with this, feeling that deepened in those days ago when the government decided to amend a rare thing, protected under the name of Law, called "Ley Resorte". That amendment, in one of his articles, related, words, words less, it was forbidden to disrespect of fact and / or any public official word on the web, otherwise go to jail and recommended badly. That made me sad, because I was asking myself, how he managed to say donkey Manuel Rosales a thief and corrupt bastard Antonio Ledezma, or how I had to tell futile and useless object Jorge Rodríguez and her pussy thief pepa Diosdado Cabello, descriptions that we call democracy had allowed me to date. But faith has saved me once again, it passed the law, certainly, but not in its entirety, and the referenced article arbitrary size was removed from it. course I'm not in favor of any law, especially because in this country have to get used to living without laws, or rather have to get used to knowing that the laws are made for the bag (translated into technical language, for on the web), in other words,   las leyes están como el ex presidente Carlos Andrés Pérez: muertas en vida. No obstante,   como los de la Asamblea Nacional tienen que justificar su sueldo, y para que   uno, el pueblo,   no vaya a pensar que   ellos son como esos   muñecos que salen en televisión que crecen, y lloran, les da fiebrecita y   hasta se ríen si uno les canta, es decir, para que parezca que ellos son algo, pero en realidad no son, entonces la Ley fue “discutida” y aprobada con esa excepción, evidencia clara and clear that my prayers were answered when I asked him to St. Joseph and the Virgin in the stable, the ox and Melchor, grant me this grace, because what I do so complaint and keep it to myself so inside. Dear Diary: faith saved me.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Joni Mitchell Tribute Dvd