Jacko Moonwalk
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Hack Jibjab Member Free
For Eternity

was a child prodigy since the age of 5 Complete accompanied by his brothers Tito, Jackie, Jermaine and Marlon Jackson Five.
In 1982 Michael released the album Thriller , with which it becomes a superstar of the show, with for example the first artist to get two stars on the Walk of Fame Hollywood . The album has since become the best selling in history, with approximately 104 million copies, 65 U.S. and 55 in the rest of the world. With simple
We are the world, brought millions of dollars to help the starving population of Africa , especially Ethiopia, and became the biggest selling single so far, which speaks of his work humanitarian. In October of that same year, 2001, Michael completed his work on the new single to charity
What More Can I Give
a response to the terrorist acts of 11 September. As had been done years ago with We Are the World, recorded the song with the participation of various artists and the expectations of reaching a collection of fifty million dollars to the families of the victims of the attacks. However, the simple no would be released due to Sony's abandonment of Jackson. In the recording, which was also a English version, involving among others Mariah Carey, Celine Dion , Tom Petty, Reba McEntire
, Ricky Martin, Carlos Santana , Beyoncé Knowles (Destiny's Child ) Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys ) Aaron Carter, Mya , Luis Miguel, Gloria Estefan , Shawn Stockman (Boyz II Men), Shakira , Usher, Brian McKnight , Julio Iglesias, Luther Vandross , John Secada, Billy Gilman , Alejandro Sanz, Christian Castro , Olga Tanon , Anastacia, Juan Gabriel , Thalia, Ziggy Marley and 3LW. Records Michael Jackson: Here are some of the records he held Michael Jackson: General : - The award-winning musical artist in history (405 awards, including 18 Grammys)
- is, according to Guinness World Records, the most successful musical artist of all time, having sold 750 million career records.
- The artist who has contributed more money to charitable causes in history, helping 39 charities, and donating more than $ 300 million.
- Artist youngest to win a Billboard (Michael Jackson)
- Record of attendance at the Empire Theatre's of Liverpool (The Jackson 5 for their first tour of Britain, the record before it had the Beatles)
- First black group in history to make a Australia tour (The Jackson 5)
- Win a Golden Globe for "Ben" and was nominated for the Oscars.
- First solo artist to get 4 top 10 singles from one album in USA (Michael Jackson: "Do not Stop 'Til You Get Enough", "Off The Wall", "Rock With You" and "She's Out Of My Life ")
- First artist to 5 singles top 10 of the same album in Britain (Michael Jackson:" Do not Stop 'Til You Get Enough, Off The Wall "," Rock With You " She's Out Of My Life "and" Girlfriend ")
- First album in history to reach No. 1 in the American and English simultaneously (Thriller)
- first song / single history to get to No. 1 on the Billboard Rock and R & B simultaneously (Billie Jean)
- Artist youngest male to sell 10 million copies of one album in USA (Michael Jackson)
- Increased number Awards and nominations collected by a group or artist in a single year (Michael Jackson: over 50)
- Increased number of singles that have reached the top 10 in the same year ("The Girl Is Mine," "Billie Jean "" Beat It "," Want to Be Startin 'Somethin', "Human Nature" "PYT," "Say Say Say")
- First and only album in history that has started and finished the year being No. 1 lists Billboard (Thriller)
- First album to be released on CD (Victory)
- Increased number of American Music Awards earned in a year (Michael Jackson 8)
- youngest artist in history to receive the American Music Award of Merit.
- Increased number of Grammy nominations in one year (Michael Jackson: 12)
- Increased number of Grammy awards made in the same year (Michael Jackson 8 and equaled by Carlos Santana in 2001)
- First artist or group to receive the award NARM Gift Of Music Award for the album and the biggest selling single (Billie Jean Thriller album and single, respectively)
- Record of attendance at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City (135,000 persons: Victory Tour)
- The only artist to have two stars on the Walk of Fame Hollywood (as Michael Jackson and as a member of The Jacksons)
- best-selling album in music history (Thriller)
- Increased number of singles from the same album that reached the Top 10 on the Billboard Pop music ("The Girl Is Mine," "Billie Jean" "Beat It", "Want to Be Startin 'Somethin'," "Human Nature" "PYT," "Thriller")
- Increased number of singles and albums sold in one year (30 million)
- Improved revenue performance for a charity show (We Are The World: 60 million)
- First artist to have 3 albums in the U.S. with sales exceeding 6 million (Michael Jackson "Off The Wall, Thriller "and" Bad ")
- Increased number of concerts held at Wembley Stadium during the same tour (Bad Tour 7)
- Record of attendance at the stadium Raceground Liverpool Aintree (Bad Tour)
- Record audience on a tour by the United Kingdom (Bad Tour: More than 800,000 people)
- First artist to have 5 consecutive number 1 album of the same ("I Just Can not Stop Loving You "," Bad, "" The Way You Make Me Feel "" Man In The Mirror "" Dirty Diana ")
- Increased number of No 1 singles in a row (" We Are The World "," I Just Can not Stop Loving You "," Bad, "" The Way You Make Me Feel "" Man In The Mirror "" Dirty Diana ")
- Increased number of No. 1 in the history of black music charts ( 9)
- the longest album has been in the top 5 on the Billboard pop music (Bad: 38 weeks)
- First artist to have 3 consecutive albums that have spent over 100 weeks on the charts in the United Kingdom ("Off The Wall", "Thriller" and "Bad")
- Table-of-most valuable living artist in history (The Hiromichi Saeki Corp. paid $ 2.1 million to the artist Brett-Livingstone for a portrait of Michael Jackson)
- Increased contract in the history of music ( $ 890 million)
- Artist history highest paid in royalties (25% per disc)
- Video clip most watched in history ("Black Or White" - more than 500 million people around the world saw its release on November 11, 1991)
- Increasing awareness of a music video in the history of MTV ("Black Or White")
- First and only artist or group that has been number 1 in the 60's, 70, 80 and 90
- the youngest artist to receive the Grammy Legend Award (Michael Jackson 34)
- Single best-selling rock of all time ("Black Or White" 5 million copies)
- Increased audience in the history of cable TV (approximately 250 million people watched the concert in Bucharest Dangerous World Tour)
- Increased audience in the history of television (133.4 million viewers watched the performance of Michael Jackson in the final of the Superbowl)
- Increased number of singles released from one album (8-Dangerous-"Black Or White", "Remember The Time", "In The Closet" "Who Is It", "Jam" "Heal The World", "Will You Be There" and "Gone Too Soon")
- Increased number of singles sold during the promotion of an album (17 million copies 9 singles published Dangerous)
- Video most expensive musical of all time ("Scream" $ 7 million)
- Entry highest in the history of Billboard ("You Are Not Alone" - straight to No. 1)
- Double Album fastest selling in history (HIStory 7.5 million discs in just 35 days)
- longest period between the first and last number one in the career of an artist (22 years and 11 months; Michael Jackson had his first No. 1 in October 1972 with Ben and the last in September 1995 with You Are Not Alone)
- Album two best selling of all time (history-18 million copies)
- Increased number of World Music Awards received by a group or artist in a single year ("Best Selling Record of All Time" (Thriller), "Best Selling Male Artist of 1995", "Best Selling American Artist", "Best Selling R & B Artist" , and "Best Selling Artist Ever")
- Record attendance at Wembley Stadium global (1 million people in 15 concerts held between 1988 and 1997)
- Video musical in history ("Ghosts" - 34 minutes)
- best-selling remix album of all time ("Blood On The Dance Floor" 5 million copies)
- most expensive prize in history (Michael Jackson paid $ 1,542,500 for the Oscar "Best Picture" from "Gone With the Wind")
- Artist more active participation in charity drives (39 organizations receiving assistance)
- Increased number of awards Artist of the Millennium (World Music Awards, American Music Awards )
- Sculpture-of-most expensive living artist in history ("Michael Jackson and Bubbles" a sculptor Jeff Koons that was sold for 5,616,750 million dollars)
- most expensive album in history ("Invincible")
- Ticket sales fastest ever for the 50 special concerts at the O2 Arena in London. (Approximately 1 million tickets sold in 5 hours.)
Number 1 Michael Jackson hit number 1 in the various countries the number of times indicated below:
United World Chart (Since 1999): 4 U.S.
: 13
UK: 7
France : 7
Spain: 26
Italy : 9
Canada : 5
Australia : 4
Germany : 2
Australia : 5
Netherlands: 7
Belgium : 9
Denmark: 7
Ireland: 9
artistic Among its features are some less familiar than others:
Michael Jackson is popularly known for being an accomplished dancer as well as its incredible choreography, in most cases designed by himself. It has steps that are popular worldwide, which has garnered a multitude of professional and amateur imitators. The best known may be called the moonwalk
or moon step, "which Jackson himself said in an interview, devised from the movement of children on the streets. Considered by many to be one of the best dancers of the century, received the admiration of the dance legends as Fred Astaire
and James Brown
Michael Jackson wrote two books: Moonwalk, autobiography that chronicles his life until 1988, and Dancing in the dream, a book of poems and reflections on various themes, like life, children and animals worldwide.
As a writer wrote the story of his film Mmoonwalker well as many of its clips. Also wrote the storybook ET alien, who won a Grammy for "Best Recording for Children" Few pictures of famous Michael Jackson, but stands out as a skilled draftsman. Among his known works are a portrait of Charles Chaplin dedicated to a niece and it was sold at public auction for several thousand dollars, and two drawings printed in the booklet of the album Thriller. As a film director, was responsible for his video "Blood on the dance floor. He also was artistic director of her world tours and Dangerous Bad world tour world tour and the general director, along with Kenny Ortega, of the latter.
Voice Vocal Timbre: countertenor, tenor,
baritone Highest note: E6 E3
lower vocal range: 3.6 octaves + (44 notes in the mid-80s agree with Seth Riggs, vocal consultant jackson. In 1990, Riggs said the range expanded to Michael 4 / 8. Apparently, due to age, Jackson acquired the ability to lower scores, while high) Michael Jackson is considered one of the best vocalists in pop music history. His distinctive vocal timbre, versatility, range and expressive ability are some of the reasons could be mentioned. In this regard Frank Sinatra commented:
"Who The only male singer I've seen myself and además Who's better than me - That is Michael Jackson. "- Frank Sinatra
(The only male singer I've seen besides myself, and who is better than me - that's Michael Jackson)
As additional data, the publication Psychology Today Magazine, Jul / Aug 2006, notes that Michael Jackson was in possession of absolute pitch
. It seems impossible
dear Michael, now the same person that inspired your energy, vitality and rhythm, back in the early years have to tell the world through this blog that day dawns tomorrow and not among us it seems ironic that those who had the immense joy of pretending to be a "Michael Jackson" Back high school, featuring the song Thriller, has to say goodbye.
But as the web
As a tribute I leave these words are taken from the Court King Of Pop Michael telling them that perhaps, the Moonwalk, that of Thriler, the Michael that we all follow and admire, although in the final hours everyone spoke of these and assumptions that maybe no one has died ... has been on tour. Gone Too Soon - Gone too soon
Like a comet across the evening sky Gone too soon
. Like the bow
Disappearing iris in a blink of an eye Gone too soon
. Radiant and glowing
And splendidly bright here one day and this will in one night.
like a lost sunshine
On a cloudy afternoon Gone too soon.
Like a castle built on sand from the beach
Gone too soon.
Like a perfect flower That is beyond your reach Gone too soon
Born to entertain, to inspire, to delight
is here one day and one night is going.
a sunset dying with the output
the moon Gone too soon.
Gone too soon ... MICHAEL
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Wizard Of Oz Ruby Red Slippers Tattoo
In On "Baguazo"
As a beginning and starting point of this blog that aims to be a space of perhaps political opinion, social perhaps what at present, I have taken time to analyze the edges and details that turn around and unleashed hell a month ago in the town of Bagua, capital of the province of the same name, located northwest of the Department of Amazonas . I want to start this column of opinion by expressing our solidarity with all the families of the fallen, regardless of race (what a shame that in the XXI century even talk to differentiate by race) or uniform. Here we do not side with either only express what according to our conscience and knowledge of the case exposes.
First, this conflict and was seen coming and the APRA government did nothing to stop it, of course it is easy to be general after the war, even before the conflict had taken and blocked roads .. that was done to address these claims? ... is that the rights of Protestants are higher than the right we all have to move freely? where their rights end and begin that of others?
Obviously there are shared responsibilities in this hell even witnessed all Peruvians and whose true extent be known with the passage of days, now it has spoken of genocide, killing over 100 Indians, of mass graves in the purest style of terrorism and sedition, because that Nothing has been proven yet and here we will not be based on these or the ill-fated game of telephone, he told me, he told me.
The same representative of the Ombudsman, Beatriz Merino Bagua traveled to the purpose of verifying the information they were about a hundred dead and even went to see in situ the information about a mass grave found no evidence REAL. Doña Beatriz as he usually has a big appetite media and figuration, the more responsibility and less cameras.
At today's official relationship is on the same site of the Ombudsman's Office realizes that to date the only reported with missing person is the Mayor PNP. Felipe Agustin Bazán Suns. The Ombudsman's Office has initiated missions traveling to neighboring communities in order to obtain direct information from the authorities and people on GREATER THE WHEREABOUTS OF PNP. BAZAN AND ON OTHER PEOPLE WHO MAY NOT HAVE BEEN LOCATED. What undoes much of the theory of genocide at least for now.
What was the role played by the local press in this conflict? ... Someone had information about the gravity of the actuation of the seditious Radio Bagua? who daily urged to lift arms against the democratic system? other times it was not the most pure and rampant terrorism?. And AIDESEP? with their leader "THE RABBIT" Pizango (just taken refuge in a madrigera instead of giving the face by their peers) may not feed more fuel to the fire already started? Should not be arrested and tried for sedition call?
is also true that the challenged decrees must have consultations and dialogues with native communities, which is a terrible excess of the APRA government which has demonstrated inability to manage the country if these decrees would have had the constitutional procedure, perhaps today not so much regret lives lost. I note with disgust and horror that the lives of some Peruvians seem to matter more than the lives of others, on one hand the government minimizes the fact that 10 civilians were killed between natives and people from nearby and across the ever harvested and leeches political and ideological minimize the horrendous fact that the cops who were there not because they are fans of death, but because they follow orders, they were terribly slaughtered with spears and machete clean .. is that these are not as murderers like those who shot to kill ? my brother would kill to prevent death from a tree? Is that reasonable? Ms. Mercedes Cabanillas
resign and for shame!, That of walking up blaming their own ineptitude at the controls police is really scary. You are the owner of the sector, which assumes political responsibility accordingly. This shows that all positions of responsibility you are great before and Minister of Education "? Now as a minister of the interior.
?.... And the other political and church? what was your role in this incident of blood? . Feel sorry to see that we had drunk as constitutional president pontificate about what should happen when I'm sure much of its government does not step sober, now this guy comes to give moral lessons, please!. Also ashamed to hear a military pseudo Rambo airs comment on these events with all the oyster, but it is clear their participation in the tragic events as mother Mia. I left my friends in the church to the end, someone has said that within its remit is to keep the FAL rifles in their churches and parishes? .. Who the hell gave them power and authority to instigate with a good old-fashioned theory Peruvians who unfortunately have not been properly instructed by deficiencies of our governments?
Finally he expects the government to throw a kick to foreign instigators as Virly Torres and break relations with the pseudo once president, nationalist and pseudo pseudo Indian Evo Morales?
And please someone take the trouble of giving her at least one book of history, a "Politics for Dummies" or some text from "Talk of what we know "to that of Q'orianka Kilcher misplaced.
As a beginning and starting point of this blog that aims to be a space of perhaps political opinion, social perhaps what at present, I have taken time to analyze the edges and details that turn around and unleashed hell a month ago in the town of Bagua, capital of the province of the same name, located northwest of the Department of Amazonas . I want to start this column of opinion by expressing our solidarity with all the families of the fallen, regardless of race (what a shame that in the XXI century even talk to differentiate by race) or uniform. Here we do not side with either only express what according to our conscience and knowledge of the case exposes.

The same representative of the Ombudsman, Beatriz Merino Bagua traveled to the purpose of verifying the information they were about a hundred dead and even went to see in situ the information about a mass grave found no evidence REAL. Doña Beatriz as he usually has a big appetite media and figuration, the more responsibility and less cameras.
At today's official relationship is on the same site of the Ombudsman's Office realizes that to date the only reported with missing person is the Mayor PNP. Felipe Agustin Bazán Suns. The Ombudsman's Office has initiated missions traveling to neighboring communities in order to obtain direct information from the authorities and people on GREATER THE WHEREABOUTS OF PNP. BAZAN AND ON OTHER PEOPLE WHO MAY NOT HAVE BEEN LOCATED. What undoes much of the theory of genocide at least for now.
What was the role played by the local press in this conflict? ... Someone had information about the gravity of the actuation of the seditious Radio Bagua? who daily urged to lift arms against the democratic system? other times it was not the most pure and rampant terrorism?. And AIDESEP? with their leader "THE RABBIT" Pizango (just taken refuge in a madrigera instead of giving the face by their peers) may not feed more fuel to the fire already started? Should not be arrested and tried for sedition call?
is also true that the challenged decrees must have consultations and dialogues with native communities, which is a terrible excess of the APRA government which has demonstrated inability to manage the country if these decrees would have had the constitutional procedure, perhaps today not so much regret lives lost. I note with disgust and horror that the lives of some Peruvians seem to matter more than the lives of others, on one hand the government minimizes the fact that 10 civilians were killed between natives and people from nearby and across the ever harvested and leeches political and ideological minimize the horrendous fact that the cops who were there not because they are fans of death, but because they follow orders, they were terribly slaughtered with spears and machete clean .. is that these are not as murderers like those who shot to kill ? my brother would kill to prevent death from a tree? Is that reasonable? Ms. Mercedes Cabanillas
resign and for shame!, That of walking up blaming their own ineptitude at the controls police is really scary. You are the owner of the sector, which assumes political responsibility accordingly. This shows that all positions of responsibility you are great before and Minister of Education "? Now as a minister of the interior.
?.... And the other political and church? what was your role in this incident of blood? . Feel sorry to see that we had drunk as constitutional president pontificate about what should happen when I'm sure much of its government does not step sober, now this guy comes to give moral lessons, please!. Also ashamed to hear a military pseudo Rambo airs comment on these events with all the oyster, but it is clear their participation in the tragic events as mother Mia. I left my friends in the church to the end, someone has said that within its remit is to keep the FAL rifles in their churches and parishes? .. Who the hell gave them power and authority to instigate with a good old-fashioned theory Peruvians who unfortunately have not been properly instructed by deficiencies of our governments?
Finally he expects the government to throw a kick to foreign instigators as Virly Torres and break relations with the pseudo once president, nationalist and pseudo pseudo Indian Evo Morales?
And please someone take the trouble of giving her at least one book of history, a "Politics for Dummies" or some text from "Talk of what we know "to that of Q'orianka Kilcher misplaced.
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